Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't Make Me (Smile)

Don't make me smile,
It sends me into flutters,
I'm nervous when your around,
Tripping over words I knew how to say earlier,

Don't make me smile,
When you do the ice melts,
My heart starts beating,
The feelings start returning,

Don't make me smile,
Then I start to laugh,
The heart starts hurting,
I can't take my one-sided feelings,

I stand here and I beg you,
Don't make me smile.

Ya, I don't even know where this one came from. Every once in awhile I just get in this mood to write poetry and sadly it always comes off pretty sad. I can't write happy feelings, only the sad one. Obviously this is a poem that deals with a person who has one-sided feelings toward someone, and that person doesn't know it.

We'll go with the excuse that I was channeling either Ryn or Cameo, who are both the personalities who have dealt with one-sided feelings (Cameo's, to be fair, turned into something. Ryn's... was taboo).