Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapter 2: Trainwreck

It’s Complicated

Chapter 2: Trainwreck

It was with slight trepidation in the pit of her stomach that she found herself walking down the long hallway and to the room where she would sleep and live for the remainder of her college life. She didn't know what to expect and the thought that something could go wrong at any possible moment kept replaying in the back of her mind right next to the mental images of her father’s own horror stories. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chapter 1: Hobo

Warning: This story will have asexual, homosexual, and heterosexual relationships. If any of that seems offending to you please find something else to go look at it. 
It's Complicated
Chapter 1: Hobo

“You know Seele I wouldn’t be picky on who it is as long as you dated someone.” Seele groaned and almost slammed her head into the wall as she heard her mother voice float from out of the kitchen that was a hallway or two away. No matter how many walls and doors she tried to hide behind she couldn’t escape the nagging worried voice of her mother. It was always questioning her and goading her into doing things she didn’t really feel like doing at the time, and if Seele tried to refuse she’d get that ‘I carried you for 9 months, it’s the least you could do for me’ stare that all Mom’s seemed to be equipped with. 

“… Mom, we are not having this conversation.” The conversation was the same one they’d been having ever since Seele had turned 16. Her mother just couldn’t comprehend why her daughter wasn’t interested in dating, and Seele could never figure out how to best explain it to her mom that it seemed to be a whole waste of time. Not that she hadn’t dated, she had.  Twice, it had all turned out to be a fantastic failure. “Again.” She added as an afterthought.


I'm making a secret, and you'll never know it. Hundreds of people might see it, but you'll never know it's me. I'm not sure I can keep it buried deep inside the box anymore.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Slight Change

I changed around the layout a little, in that I used a different background. You can't see it but in the actual picture Allen is balancing on a chair. I didn't feel like tinkering with the image much so you can't see the chair. Next time I do a layout I'll make sure to do one that lets me incorporate color I think.

I like color.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stalking Snippets

"... Suoh, are you watching Holden in his sleep?"

"JUST ONE TIME!" Suoh yelled defensively. "He looked adorable. I couldn't resist. does that make me creepy?" He asked his voice going tiny as Seele snorted.

"I'm pretty sure that makes you a stalker."

(Later On)

"I... I was torn between being completely creeped out and slightly flattered by the fact he sang "Creepin' Up On You" to me."

"You want to be creeped out, he just admitted he stalked you in song form."

"And yet, I am oddly flattered. No one has ever stalked me before."

"Seele... That's disturbing. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable if someone stalked me. I mean, I'd have a hard time sleeping at night worried there watching me or something..."

"Oh ya? So question, how have you been sleeping lately?"


I couldn't help it. I was listening to "Creepin' Up On You" and this popped into my head. I could possibly see Syn singing it to Seele in order to catch her attention also and then after I wrote out that snippet I got the idea of Suoh possibly watching Holden in his sleep in some sort of fascination and ya... the whole second part spilled forth.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"I need a Doctor"

I'm listening to "I Need a Doctor" and the chorus that Skylar Grey sings is hauntingly beautiful. It's inspired me to write, but it's inspired me to write about Kandyl which would be a problem if I kept Kandyl in his normal RP "attitude" but his general... persona a little... hard.

I'm writing a segment about him from when he was troubled, before he met Bayde and after Mint death. Kandyl was pretty much a drunken whore, mind you he was a pretty drunken whore who could make you saunter off to your death if he so pleased with one musical note.

He's my bard. He influences people with the power of music. He can't make you "jump off the bridge" put he can put the notion in your head.

So the problem here, I'm about as innocently naive in all things involving sex, and I'm trying to write in the perspective of a whore.

This can only be disastrous.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I can't find it. There a small semi chapter I wrote a couple months ago of Hayden showing Ashe and Briar his first car and it's this hideous looking Rust Bucket of a Vehicle. It ended up with Briar trying make him realize the car would kill him because that's how horribly beat up it is, and Ashe begging him to let him buy him a new car.

Hayden of course declined. He liked his rust bucket.

Sad I can't find it.

“Ow, what was that for?” I ask glaring, rubbing the sore spot atop my head. It would form a massive bump by the end of the day with my luck. Whoever said vampires heal quickly was bullshitting.

“For being an idiot.”

“How the fuck am I the idiot?”

“Did you start the fight?”

“No,” Not this time anyway.

“Then you’re an idiot for letting him start the fight.”


“Either way you’re an idiot.”

“… I hate you. Clean by yourself.” 

Found that though!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dear DHL

Please relinquish my book to me.  I've heard your holding it hostage on your big yellow truck, and you promised me that you would let me track it so I would know it's safe but every time I go to your website to do such a thing you've denied me the right.

My book is up in limbo and I am a sad, sad, sad person. The Wise Man Fear is all but a dream to me as it lay in your truck somewhere wanting to be read but unable.

That is to say in laymen terms that I'm highly upset with DHL at the moment. My book shipped out on Tuesday and BN gave me the tracking information but DHL doesn't want to keep there site updated so it won't give me any info on where my book might be.

Which sucks cause I want to finish The Name of the Wind on the day it gets here so I don't have to wait. Tho' I suppose either way you look at it I'm still pretty much waiting.

Goddamn you DHL. Goddamn you to HELL.

Tainted Minds, Pure Body

"I'll have you know my mind is as pure as they come!" I said in mock outrage as Holden clutched at his sides and almost hit the floor in peals of laughter. It took around 5 to 10 minutes for him to finally get to where he was calm enough to speak again, I was almost insulted. 

"Seele, I think your confusing your body for your mind again, because I assure you that your mind wouldn't be clean even if they sprayed it down with a hose connected to a fire hydrant."

"... What are you trying to say?"

"That your a fucking liar?"

"Liar, I'll grant you but a "fucking" liar is just not true. That would imply I was fucking in the first place and considering I'm asexual and repulsed one at that..."

"I hate you. We aren't friends anymore. Go torment your boyfriend."

"... Syn and I aren't dating... not for his lack of trying though. I woke up this morning to a vase of roses outside my door."

"Aww, that's sweet." 

"Ya... in a creepy stalker sort of way. Sure." I replied slightly disgruntled. I liked Syn. Syn was sweet and we had a great time together when we hung out but there was so many complications there and not becoming anything more then friends seemed like the viable choice. 

Random snippet that popped into my head. While Seele is asexual, and wants nothing to ever do with sex she's a horrible pervert. She has this uncanny ability to take the most innocent things and turn them dirty. She doesn't do it often. She in love with the fact people who don't know her real well think she's this innocent type of person.

She's also my venting sort of character so I tend to write with her when I'm going through my own shit. She's gone from the "crazy bitch who heard voices" to the "crazy bitch who drives people up the wall."