Sunday, August 26, 2012

Locke and the Hooker Spawn

"... Where did the baby come from?"

"Well you se--"

"I KNOW WHERE BABIES COMES FROM LOCKE." Caine interrupted loudly as he thrust the baby into the other mans open arms. Caine had never wished he could get drunk until the day Gaberial had set him down and decided to have a very long talk with Caine. He'd come out feeling scared for life and every time Desmond came to visit the man would laugh at him. If Caine didn't know exactly how the body, mind, and plain genetics worked he might of chalked his Asexuality up to that very defining moment in his life.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Parts of Awakening

 So below is part of the story I am writing. Its been around in my head since probably middle school. I'm not even sure anymore how these guys appeared but it felt like it was finally time to write there story. They've always been THE story that I've wanted to write. These guys are my babies.

She was loosing her mind. Granted in retrospect she thought this really shouldn't of been as much as a surprise as it was turning out to be. The signs where popping up everywhere and one was staring at her right now across the room in all his ruggishly handsome glory. She still closed her eyes though and breathed slowly as he counted to three backwards.

When she opened them again hopefully everything would be normal.